Study proves benefits of spending time near the ocean A study conducted at the University of Exeter found several piece of evidence which suggested living near the ocean is good for your health The researchers believe that their results can help shape a new kind of therapy based on ocean exposure. 

Did your weekend trip to the beach leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed?  Well now there’s science that proves exactly why you got that feeling. 

A new study conducted at the University of Exeter found that there were numerous health benefits to spending time near the ocean. 

The study was presented last Wednesday at a science policy conference hosted by the American Geophysical Union.

The multi-faceted study conducted several experiments to determine whether being near a beach setting affected health. 

When a person goes to the beach, ‘It’s not going to be any great surprise to you that people relax,’ said study researcher Michael White. The more complex question was how being near the beach impacted people’s health. 

The researchers studied census data in England and found that those who lived near the coast reported better health.

While one could argue that this may have something to do with wealthier people being able to afford living on the coast, the researchers actually found that it was the lower socioeconomic communities that reported the greatest health benefits.

Just moving closer to the beach had an effect on people. The researchers found that moving closer to the sea ‘significantly improves people’s well being,’ about as tenth as much as getting a new job. 

Moving to the sea may also reduce stress and encourage physical activity, White said. 

In one experiment the researchers gave study participants a set of pictures with hypothetical hotel room views, then asked how much they were willing to pay for the room.

Subjects had an option of an ocean view, green fields or cities. The results showed that the majority of the subjects would pay the most for the ocean view. 

The researchers are continuing to study the health benefits of seaside living. One of their ongoing studies involves putting people in stressful situations like dental surgeries and then placing them virtually in a beach setting or dental room for comparison. Early signs show that people reported feeling less pain when immersed in the seaside setting. 

One of the study’s organizers, Lora Fleming, said their results could help create a form of therapy based on ocean exposure.